Project: Created many different mediums for this company ranging from digital ads to videos to printed marketing material.
Client: Summit Choral Society
Role: Art Director, Layout, Typography, and Video Design
Year/Medium: 2014-2017/Print and Digital
Programs: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, After Effects, and Premiere Pro
Description: My job over the years was to create many different mediums for Summit Choral Society. Each year, they would have a “theme” in which I would get to decide the overall look of the series. Some of the most common jobs from them were advertisements and postcards. For ads, I would create the look and then have to resize it to fit in multiple publications and for digital use. I would take care of everything from ideation to prepping the files for final distribution. The projects above were some of my favorites while working with SCS.
Summit Choral Society